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Growing up on a farm at the edge of a woods gave me a great appreciation for the world around me. I roamed wherever I pleased, built forts in the woods, picked wildflowers in the pasture and caught craw-daddies in the crick. I have a great love for the outdoors and beautiful mother nature, and can usually be found out of doors. My son is taking over the jobs of fort building and craw-daddy hunting, but I’ll never give up the picking of wildflowers.

My name is pronounced Tie-shuh, just in case you were wondering.

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏

Tytia Habing 黑白摄影欣赏



