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旅行带给我们灵感,当艺术家Zaria Forman在2012年前往格陵兰岛亲眼看到气候对于这里的影响,她用粉彩捕捉到了这一组令人惊叹的印象,把它命名为“追光”。

My mother, Rena Bass Forman, had conceived the idea for the voyage, but sadly did not live to see it through. During the months of her illness her dedication to the expedition never wavered and I promised to carry out her final journey. In Greenland, I scattered her ashes amongst crackling ice diamonds, on the towering peak of one of earth’s oldest stones and under the green glow of northern lights. She is now a part of the landscape she loved so much. I am deeply grateful for the team of talented artists and scholars and the Wanderbird captains and crew for helping me carry out her wishes and realize her dream.

Zaria Forman (7)

Zaria Forman (1)

Zaria Forman (2)

Zaria Forman (3)

Zaria Forman (4)

Zaria Forman (5)

Zaria Forman (6)

Zaria Forman (8)

Zaria Forman (9)

Zaria Forman (10)



