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Flavio Montiel,是一位来自于巴西圣保罗的艺术总监和3D艺术家。经过4年的工作作为Harley-Davidson的艺术总监,,他辞去了工作,开始了自己的工作室Bodi Multimedia,它更侧重于网络。正是在那个时候,他意识到,他再也抑制不住自己的爱作说明了,并开始为自由插画工作为好。

3D for me was always more like a hobby and i’ve been learning it for about 10 years. Even though i’ve worked for a few agencies and a very wide range of clients as a Designer and Art Director, and even as a freelancer developer, 3D was always with me on those moments when you want to create something cool from the top of your head, without the pressure of it being a paid job, nothing more.

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