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Frank Moth 是来自雅典的艺术二人组。两人一起创造了不可思议的拼贴画,结合了海洋,沙漠和宇宙等广阔地区的元素。艺术家将这些风景元素与几十年前的男女形象相结合,同时对拼贴画进行约会并赋予其未来感。由于过去和现在之间的这种推拉,两人将他们的作品称为“来自遥远但同时熟悉的未来的怀旧明信片。”

Frank Moth creates nostalgic postcards from a distant but at the same time familiar future. He makes digital collages and compositions with specific, distinctive color palettes, in a critically acclaimed style that is immediately recognizable. Frank Moth was born in Athens in March 2014. He exists as an artist and as an alias for the two people that hide behind him. He has been featured in many publications worldwide, such as Huffington Post US, as well as Buzzfeed and MTV Greece. His work is currently showcased around the world in many galleries online

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏

Frank Moth 混合艺术欣赏



