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以色列艺术家Isaac Maimon 的一组优雅的艺术插画欣赏,大胆鲜艳的颜色是Isaac作品的主要特点。

The essence of a true urban scene, daytime life and night life intermingle. It is a warm, gentle and inviting atmosphere. The air is full of promises and secrets just like any self-respecting bistro. This is Isaac Maimon’s world, the scene that he paints with consuming passion. Maimon’s paintings capture the “boulevard culture,” that uniquely French atmosphere that so intrigued Lautrec,

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

Isaac Maimon 优雅的艺术插画欣赏

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