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来自Jana Brike 的一组重口味的绘画艺术作品,一组充斥着情色,肌肤,官能,以及暗示的绘画。

“The first most reassuring thing is when I see an art piece has worked as a trigger to evoke certain experiences, memories, feelings within a person, of something important they had forgotten or set side in the anxiety and worry of life. Like, the awkwardness and delightfulness of a first kiss, or being in love, or true touch, or even the rawness of sincere pain and so on. Sometimes people would tell me the work has evoked something so very familiar, but they can’t quite put a finger on what it even is. And it is so wonderful to hear, because I know the communication through art is not verbal, and it is not from the position of mental constructions and concepts, but somehow heart to heart and human experience to human experience. It really truly motivates me most of all”.

Jana Brike 绘画艺术欣赏

Jana Brike 绘画艺术欣赏

Jana Brike 绘画艺术欣赏

Jana Brike 绘画艺术欣赏

Jana Brike 绘画艺术欣赏



