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来自Jon Reinfur的一组以冰激凌机器人为设计元素的系列插画

This series of collage paintings where created for a gallery show back in 2009. I wanted to explore the theme of “consumption” in a way that would be open for interpretation by the viewer while still having a very deliberate narrative. Since mankind is entirely dependent on the consumption of natural resources in order to both survive and progress, I felt that the tone of the paintings should not be overly negative but should leave room for further meditation on the subject. Like all things in life, this issue is not black or white. It’s too easy to just say that something is wrong without really thinking about how we got to where we are in the first place.

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人

Jon Reinfur 冰激凌机器人



