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Nick Pedersen 是来自美国犹他州盐湖城的摄影师和数码艺术家,这一次分享的是这位艺术家的Photoshop项目《Floating World》,主旨是全球热议的气候变化问题。

My artwork is primarily inspired by my experience with nature and environmentalism. It is specifically motivated by my concern for the future due to the effects of climate change, sea level rise, deforestation and many other environmental impacts humans have had on the planet. My goal with these projects is to visually depict this modern conflict between the natural world and the manmade world in interesting and provocative ways, to create elaborate, photorealistic images that show a striking contrast between utopian and dystopian visions of the world. I portray this as an epic struggle and in my work these forces clash in theatrical, post-apocalyptic battlegrounds.

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界

Nick Pedersen 漂浮的水上世界



