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一组充满着撞色的手绘水彩作品,宛如梦境般的迷人,来自艺术家Luqman Reza

Luqman Reza or better known to the world as ‘jongkie’ is an artist & illustrator from Kota Wisata Batu, Indonesia. He has gained recognition and appreciation on social networking sites such as instagram for his unique style of expressive illustration which he does in watercolour. His unique style is exemplified as a result of him not merely replicating the reference picture he is using but adding his own imagination and signature style which he has named the ‘magic effect’.

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏

Luqman Reza 手绘水彩插画欣赏



  1. 苏打苏塔设计量贩铺网友说道:

