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德国数字艺术家Antoni Tudisco 带来的一组视觉魔法,一组充满着视觉冲击力的3D艺术。

My name is Antoni Tudisco and was born and raised in Germany by my Filipina mother and my Italian father. I’m a fan of extraordinary things ever since I was a child. I had my own world as a kid. I started to sketch during lessons when I was attending elementary school, [and] I didnt really listen to the teacher i just drew and skribbled. I guess that characteristic of mine developed into being creative and original today.

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏

Antoni Tudisco 数字艺术作品欣赏



