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埃德蒙顿出生的,来自温哥华的艺人Jay Senetchko 重新想象了他已故的爷爷奶奶的肖像绘画。

Jay Senetchko is primarily self-taught, and began his career as an apprentice for artists Gideon Flitt and Odd Nerdrum. His work has been exhibited internationally and has garnered numerous awards. Since 2002, Senetchko has taught life-drawing, perspective, composition, color theory and art history at Vancouver Film School. He is also the author of Making Pictures Speak: Composition for the Visual Arts, a textbook on perspective and composition for visual art, as well as the adult storybook Fishes and Wishes.

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏

Jay Senetchko 人像插画欣赏



