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两层楼的现代住宅坐落在圣地亚哥墨西哥克雷塔罗,是由Reims Arquitectura 于2012年设计完成。

Besides improving the quality of life of those who inhabit it, the project’s main goal is to satisfy the clients’ needs and materialize their ideals. This great house works toward the conservation and preservation of the environment via the implementation of electric energy generation and preservation systems, solar warming, and reuse of residual water. Furthermore, it is as an architectural expression of our time achieved by the implementation of constructive technology in steel structures and prefabricated panels fused to the traditional systems of handmade construction using local workforce, bricks, reinforced concrete, and exposed concrete.

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏

Reims Arquitectura 室内设计欣赏



