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来自 Rubis Firenos的一组充满激情的手绘 水彩作品。

I followed illustrations studies and henceforth 3D animation.
My passions are diverse and varied, I am a fanatic of mythology especially Scandinavian and Celtic. I like dragons obviously but all other creatures related in papers or passed on orals.
Animals are a motivation in my life, they fascinate me particularly, I find them graceful and elegant. Their lifestyle seems simple but I find them complex in their society form. Fascinating.
I like particularly Equine, Birds of prey, Wildcats, Wolves and Foxes (my favourite animal), Reptiles also! I also like Deers and Antelopes, I find their movements fellow as an infinite dance!

Rubis Firenos 水彩插画
Rubis Firenos 水彩插画

Rubis Firenos 水彩插画

Rubis Firenos 水彩插画
Rubis Firenos 水彩插画
Rubis Firenos 水彩插画



