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捷克艺术家Karel Balcar 带来的一组超现实主义绘画艺术。

“Contemporary artists have, in fact, made an interesting discovery: as a result of the gulf between 20th century art and art of a distant past, they have found that there is something held in common with all the works of the masters of old – diversity – such as was once attributed only to art that was not of western origin.“ Some – mostly younger – artists are fascinated by this absurd situation. So as to avoid the danger of convention in overly cheap modern academism that runs to weeds everything in an intensely base form, they rather make a radical return to the past.

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏

Karel Balcar 超现实主义绘画艺术欣赏



